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Purpose   Initiates the user's full screen edit session.

Decln.    Process_Input(StartField:byte);

Remarks   StartField is the field ID number of the field that should be
          highlighted at the start of the edit session.

          This procedure must only be called after all the fields have been
          defined. The procedure controls the user's edit session.

          Control is returned to the calling program when the user ends the
          update session. The session is ended by the user pressing the end
          key (default F10), the Esc key (if escape is enabled), a Hooked
          procedure that returns a refresh code of End_Input or trying to
          move to the next field when the next field has been defined as

          The global variable I_Char is updated with the last key pressed
          by the user.



See Also: Display_All_Fields
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson